Monday, August 25

This is my first Ruby Tuesday. I've seen this around and thought it would be fun to play. The following pictures were taken a few weeks ago while visiting hubby's aunt and uncle who live in a rural area.

If you would like to play visit the teach


Leora said...

So glad you joined, because I've never visited your blog before. Ruby Tuesday is a lot of fun. The tractors and the farm are warm and welcoming.

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, nice pictures of the tractors, Linda. I'll have to visit Ruby Tuesday and find out more.

Have a great evening!



Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, welcome to Ruby Tuesday. These are great shots you found in the country!!

dot said...

Nice shots for Ruby Tuesday. I can't tell if that is kudzu or pole beans!

Linda said...

Dot, The first picture is definitely not kudzu, but I can't say for sure if its beans. It is some type of vegetable. You can tell I don't know much about gardening.

Ralph said...

Red is the color for farm implements. The faded red on the old tractor is such an honest picture: the paint is faded because of working so hard in the sun...making the work of humans easier.

Great shots!

Mike Golch said...

Linda, great shots. I hope that you are having a great day.

Mimi Lenox said...

I love the tractor shot!

My Ruby Tuesday is Ruby Tuesday and Baby Boy Lost

Carletta said...

The country life - these images capture a little portion of it very well!
Great Ruby finds!

Carletta said...

Saw the comments and had to go back and see - looks like pole beans!

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. Have a happy RT.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Ruby Tuesday! I'm fairly new as well:) Nice shots!

Mine's up if you got a chance, HERE!

Cátia said...

nice shots!happy ruby tuesday

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

So you have to put up things that are red!! Okay!! Hey I heard this morning on the news that you guys might be getting some of this rain soon!! Boy I hope so. I know how it is. You know all that rain that we got just sort of soaked up into the ground...funny how it comes in buckets and then goes away just as!!

EG CameraGirl said...

The red pops out at you once you start playing Ruby Tuesday, doesn't it?

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

I am also beginner in Ruby, I am in my second week, their record for the play were excellent.
hugs, Denise

Baba said...

Hi Linda, I am glad you joined Ruby Tuesday... Does the tractor stay inside of a red barn?? Thanks for sharing your red things with us.. Yes, I could just pinch those chubby legs on Olivia...not hard... just love taps....
Have a great day.. hugs, Baba

Rambling Woods said...

Welcome to Ruby Tuesday and you have a great post to start out with.

Mojo said...

Love the shot of the old tractor waiting in the barn(?) to report for duty. There's something ... "solid" about it.
- Mojo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful farm reds and greens! Love the red tractor. Maybe the vegetables are peas.

Dianne said...

Love the last shot the most!, made me think of a cool summer day when all the chores are done.

Welcome to Ruby Tuesday!

Maria's Space said...

Tractors in high grass are the best.

me ann my camera said...

Its fun to share Ruby Tuesday posts and thanks for yours. Great reds.

Jan said...

Welcome to Ruby Tuesday. You've posted some great red shots. said...

These were nice pictures you posted! Thanks for the kinds comments on my blog!! Love and hugs, Grams

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Love the photos :) I'd like to be there right now.

Anonymous said...

Love the red in those farming instruments :)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!!!

Ingrid said...

See you found ruby things ! Isn't it a nice game ?

storyteller said...

Great photos for your 1st Ruby Tuesday! I participated for the first time at Small Reflections yesterday but was away from the computer all day, so I’m catching up today. I’m almost ‘wordless’ today at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey Linda, so glad that you have finally received some rain!! We had so much here but you know it is almost all swallowed up in the ground already!! I don't know what is going to happen with this new storm that is a brewin!! Thanks for stopping by as always..Sandy

Karen Roper said...

Hi Linda...thanks for stopping by my blog today! I will be posting lots more pictures and stuff related to photography,it is my passion. So stop by anytime. :)

Hmmm...I will have to investigate the Ruby Tuesday thingy. If it's a photography game, I'm game!

Tina Coruth said...

Great ruby captures, Linda!