Friday, September 7

Friday's Feast

Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?

What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?
Absolutely everything. This is my favorite time of year with Mother Nature painting the landscape with vibrante colors, football season (especially with WVU ranking #3 in the country), the hustle of kids getting ready to go back to school, the crisp cool air, walking in the woods thru fallen leaves (I could get naughty here), fall decorations for the house, pumpkins, our Pumpkin Festival, reason to buy fall shoes, and much much more.

Have you ever had any bad experiences online? I sure have and it was by my own stupidity. One day I fell for one of those ads that says "you have won a laptop". I thought, why not see where this takes me, how bad could it be. I began by signing up for a offeres I didn't need but could put to good use such as books for the grandkids, subscription for NASCAR magazine, you get the picture. Then the final requirement. "You must send this link to a friend and after they have met all requirments you will be sent your laptop". You've got to be kidding!!!! I just met all their requirements now I'm at the mercy of a friend going through this same ritual in order for me to get the lousy laptop!!! I wasn't about to put this on any friend so I began calling all the companies I subscribed to and cancelled. This just took a lot of my time and taught me a valuable lesson I already knew, "you don't get something for nothing".

Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.
1. I wake up.
2. The thought I have another wonderful day ahead of me.
3. Recently.....air conditioning.

What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?
Since I don't clean or organize I haven't the foggiest!!!


Mitchypoo said...

Oh, your salad is scary. Happy Feasting!

Michelle Quinno said...

I love Fall too!

What a life lesson in your salad! Grrr... they make me angry.

Thanks for stopping by!

Becky said...

hahah I'm with you on the dessert, but I kind of have to...**sigh**

Anonymous said...

scary soup!! Wonderful feast this week.

Marsha said...

I think your salad experience is not uncommon.

I also hate grocery shopping! It doesn't make me ill, but I hate it!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I once started into that FREE laptop thingy and thought this is not right and got right out of it pronto!! nothing is FREE!! Your are right!! About seeing my blog you go through internet Explorer or Firefox? If you will use Firefox you will see it so much better. I have found out that IE is not the way to view blogs. Just some advice!! Have a great Friday..Now i am back to cleaning!! Blessings.

Ingrid said...

Fortunately I never believed to get something for nothing not even in life. They do it to get the most of email addresses ! Just terrible these people.
BTW I have no servants of course, it was a joke, I have a cleaning lady (I always had) who comes once a week for 4 h and that's enough for the two of us. She is very cute, she treats us as two naughty teenagers, lol ! Just a very lovable person !

Amazing Gracie said...

I LOVE your dessert! So true...I try and try but...
I didn't "feast" this week.

Shelby said...

great feast :)

Akelamalu said...

Loved your feast!

Pop by and collect your badge for the nursery rhyme quiz.

Anonymous said...

"You don't get something for nothing." True, true, true . . . those laptop ads are so tempting, though. I almost clicked on one . . . then I said, "You don't get . . . "


Thanks for stopping by.

Gill said...

Enjoyed your feast this week. Your salad is not annoying!