Friday, November 28

Thanksgiving Dinner

Don't you just love Maxine! This cartoon describes my turkey yesterday. Wednesday I spent the day prepping everything I could for the big turkey day and making the stuffing and pies. I was wanting a less stressful cooking day. I even had the advantage of having dinner at 6:00 p.m. What could possibly go wrong?

I put the turkey in the oven so that it would be done in plenty of time to bake the casseroles and hot rolls so everything would be ready by 6:00. The turkey was a beautiful golden brown. The thermometer read 175 degrees, but I was optimistic it was not over done. I was so proud I was able to keep dishes washed as I went along and the kitchen was clean. At 5:00 Amber called to let me know they were running late and would be here a little after 6:00. I thought I would go ahead and carve the turkey and get it arranged on a platter. When I began to cut the leg and thigh from the bird blood ran from the bird. I threw the bird back in the oven and prayed I could bake the life out of the bird by 6:00.

The good news is that extra hour was all that Tom needed.

Did any of you brave the Black Friday sales? Since I no longer do early mornings out, I passed on the sales. I did venture out this afternoon and picked up a few more gifts for the grandbabies. I had a bad case of cabin fever and had to get out. I went to K-mart because I thought it wouldn't be as crowded as our new Wal-Mart and I was right. I didn't get any bargains but did find a couple things from my list. I can't wait for the grandbabies to come in next month. I sure do miss them.

I've been falling asleep this week watching "The Thornbirds". The final chapter is on right now so I'm going to pop off here and enjoy the show. This has been one of my favorite books and movies.

I'll be by tomorrow to visit.


SmilingSally said...

I've never used a thermometer in cooking. I guess I've been lucky; I just calculate, using the directions on the bird and it's always done and juicy. However, the past few years, my daughter-in-law cooks, so once again I luck out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,

Isn't it nice sometimes how things just seem to work out!

I always buy a turkey with the pop up thingy in it to let me know when it is done. And, I cook it in a turkey bag. That makes it so much easier for me.

Blessings to you.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Well at least Tom the Turkey got done in time...I think we had the least stressful day that i have ever had...We went to Cracker Barrel for $8.99 a that is over eating and no dishes or cooking..YES!!

storyteller said...

I'm glad things worked out with the turkey. As for sales ... I skipped the crunch because I don't much care for crowds any more.
Hugs and blessings,

Cherdecor said...

Oh, ho ho! I am glad that you caught that undercooked turkey in time and that everything turned out well!

I never trust the pop out thermometer they put in turkeys. It seems mine is never done even though the thermometer pops out. I always cook it till the meat thermometer says it is done.

I REALLY do not like baking turkeys! This year our son baked it and I was a happy mom.

Susan said...

Sounds like all was not lost. And that's a good thing. I love the Maxine cartoon. I don't touch the turkey...DH does it all cause he does a GREAT job on it. It's never dry at all.

I hope you had a fabulous holiday.

