Wednesday, November 28

Wordless Wednesday


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

How interesting is this. Boy I hope Mike and I never get to looking like that!! WHEW!! Not good!! Great picture!! Sandy

Ingrid said...

I had to look twice to find what it really was. First I thought they look like Mr. Gattino and I, lol !

Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, I love the pictures in the picture. I got a scanner for my birthday so have been scanning some cute pictures of my grown kids. come on by!

Rebecca said...

There's so much to look at, but that old couple just keep creeping me out! Happy WW :P

Baba said...

At first I only saw old peoples faces, then I saw the two bodies of people on the faces. Cool.... Cool...
Thanks for your visit to my place.

Susan said...

Wow that is a picture that makes you STARE...Interesting.


Nonnas News said...

Cool picture!

Jennifer said...

I saw a few things but then read comments and realize I missed some things so I'm going to go back and look again ;)
Thanks for stopping by my site earlier, the California picture from another WV girl. And I see you are as big a WVU fan as my hubby is, we can have no plans when the Mountaineers play!!
I wonder where you're located in WV? I'm in the Capitol city area ;)

Theresa said...

took me a while to see the guitar player- way to make our brain work