Wednesday, August 22

Wordless Wednesday


Linda said...

Everything in the picture is made from wood.

Ingrid said...

I can see that it would look nicer with some colors in it. I love wooden rooms !

Suzy said...

I've seen this before...really neat!!
What part of West Virginia? My hubby is from Buckhannon and we lived in Charleston for 4 years....I love W.V.

Anonymous said...

wow--that is a lot of wood!! said...

This is so neat!!

I am still thinking how nice your blog looks!!

Happy WW!!
Love and Hugs Grams

Alyson said...

huh? wow that is alot of wood. Are the books fake or do they have pages in them?
love wood but a little color would be nice :)

David D. Charles said...

very interesting pic...thanks for sharing

Happy WW!

JUST A MOM said...

our template is very cute. Hi nice to meet you. stop by some time.