Thursday, August 23

Friday's Feast

Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?
Angela Lansbury because of her theatrical background.

Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)
Can all sheep hear Earl whistle? What ??

If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose?
In recent history I would say the 1920s. I would like to see first hand what it was like for my parents growing up.

Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you.
Sea of Love by Phil Phillips. Those memories are only mine to know and cherish.

Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?
Lately I would say cold, simply to cool off. I use an anti bacterial liquid soap.


Anonymous said...

love your soup! really creative. :)
what a great feast!

The Gal Herself said...

Wasn't the soup (nuts) one fun? Loved yours, too. Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Funny soup--we both choose the same nut AND we mentioned sheep :) Great feast!

Eleisia said...

Angela Lansbury is a great actress. I saw her on stage many years ago.

Liked your salad. I love looking at pictures of my parents when they were young.

Ingrid said...

In the 20th ? Not a very good idea ! Can you imagine stock market broke down, women were not allowed to vote and had to stay home, knitted bath suits and hats maybe still corsets ! I think you are better now !

Anonymous said...

LOL... I love your "nuts". This is a great feast.

Anonymous said...

Arf! Whoof! Good feasting, yum. Bark.

Gill said...

Oh I think Angela Lansbury would do a brilliant job! A lot of people seem to like cashews. Thanks for visiting my blog :-)

LEA said...

Definitely..Angela Lansbury would do excellent! Great answer. :x)

Your soup made me giggle and great salad!

Wonderful Feast today--and thank you for visiting mine.

Anonymous said...

Oh, great soup - and I'm with you on the 1920's.

Lazy Daisy said...

Good choice of readers...funny sentence (great nut!) You and Melli in the 1920's.

Lori said...

Awesome feast and I love your soup:) Happy FF. said...

Great Feast!! I love your one about the nut!! Grams

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I just got home from working at CURVES so need to get my Friday Feast done!! Thanks for stopping by. you are having surgery this next Thursday!! WOW!! i did not know you were going to...hope all goes okay. Take care..Blessings, Sandy

Toknowhim said...


Thanks for visiting my blog. I went to visit the "Pimp Your Blog" site. Was it easy to install? I am so challenged when it comes to technology. I have just learned how to add widgets (I think that is what they call it) to my blogspot blog.
Thanks, and reply on my blog if you can.. said...

Linda, I didn't know you were having surgery next week or if I did it went right over my head when I did the meme on my blog.

I taged you but if this is to much stuff to do don't worry about it!!

I think I will chalk this up to being 69!! Can't remember like when I was 68!!Just kidding!! :)
Love and Hugs! Carolyn

Baba said...

Hi Linda, This was a fun theme.I also loved the song "Sea of Love". It was a great song to slow dance with a special one.Enjoy your week-end.

Anonymous said...

Sea of Love!!!! It must be everybody's favorite oldie.

And the 1920s would be good with those great clothes and hairdos.....but Prohibition was still in force so I guess you could find a speakeasy!!

Anonymous said...

Great feast!
Enjoy your weekend!

Shelby said...

awesome feast - I love Ms. Lansbury.. she seems like such a beautiful person.

meowminx said...

Great feast, esp your appetizer and soup. I use anti-bacterial soap too.

My feast is served here.

Hope your weekend is going great!

Lady of Musotopia said...

I love your appetizer! Angela Lansbury has such a wonderful way about her, plus I love her voice! I like her acting in the Murder She Wrote series (watched it with my grandmother when it was on a few years ago) and I still remember her as Mrs Potts in Beauty and the Beast! :D
Apparently, warm water becomes a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive, so good choice of dessert!
Thanks for joining my feast and sharing yours - hope you're still having a lovely weekend :)