Wednesday, July 18

Wordless Wednesday


Linda said...

This is from my new "old pictures" from the late 60's. I can't remember what city this was taken. If you know where these are, post it here.

Shana said...

Cute, looks like a "little people". Happy WW!!!

Unknown said...

In Cincinnati, OH we have flying pigs located all throughout the city. I imagine that the town with your photo has similiar fire hydraunts all over as well. Thanks for sharing a great photo for WW.

My Wordles Wednesday post focuses on a sad situation taking place in Louisiana (United States).

Happy WW! Villager

Unknown said...

I like it!

lissa said...

Cute! Don't see these anywhere here in New York.

Ingrid said...

Oh, that's a very good idea ! looks much nicer then only in red (that's the color over here) Maybe I should try to paint one secretely in the dark,lol !

Melanie said...

How funny. I love it!

Lily said...

That is great! I love it.

Anonymous said...

that's clever :) Happy WW.

Lazy Daisy said...

Awww...that's cute!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I remember having these in our old hometown in Illinois. People were going around and painting the hydrants!! I think it was in the 70's...Sandy

Anonymous said...

what a creative idea!

happy ww!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Linda, I don't know if the picture that I posted today is for real or not. I got it in an email from somewhere. I have not idea. I wish that I knew. It of course LOOKS real but so many things look REAL anymore!! RIGHT!! Sandy

Barb said...

That is just so cute!!!!

(Your link in Mr. Linkies doesn't work. It wanted to take me to blobspot lol.) said...

In our hometown they did this in the 1970's! I bet it was 1976,when our nation was 200 years old.

Anonymous said...

Very creative! :-)
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Cute Happy WW

Sandee said...

I don't know where but it's cute as heck. What a great WW contribution. Have a great WW. :)

JHS said...

That's cute! :-)

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