One thing I think we can all agree is smoking is bad for your health. Ask anyone, smoker or non-smoker and they will tell you they realize smoking can cause severe health risks. Many non-smokers cannot understand the addiction nicotine has on one. I have smoked for 30 years, and yes I know the health risks. I've quite a hundred times. It's the easiest thing to do! How long did it last? I think 3 days was the longest I've ever gone without a cigarette. I've tried the gum, the patch, other prescribed drugs and nothing has worked for me. Year before last when my brother was diagnosed with lung cancer I quite yet again. This time I believe it was about a week. Since that time I have cut down to about 4 a day and for that I am very proud. That late morning cigarette with a cup of coffee or one right after dinner are the best.

The headlines in the newspaper read "Pack and a half a day smoker heads the Great American Smokeout". Wish I knew where I could put my hands on that article right now. In addition to being involved with the Cancer Society, I worked for the State Health Department for 23 years. In the early years, anyone who smoked and that was more than 50% of the people, could smoke at their desk. There was no such thing as a non-smoking area.

When I was a little girl my parents bought candy cigarettes for me. Do you remember those? Some had bubble gum in the middle while others had a hard candy. Only Daddy smoked while I was growing up. I can remember Daddy having men's church meetings at the house and everyone smoked.
One thing I don't understand about the Surgeon General. If there is an epidemic he calls for a quarantine, if a water well is found to be contaminated he would close the well. Since cigarette smoking has been determined to cause health risks, why has he not banned cigarette? (I think we all know that answer). Instead of spending millions of tax payers dollars on publicizing the dangers of smoking, why can't those dollars directly to the smoker in the form of stop smoking aids?
I've never smoked, but have lost two very good friends to lung cancer from smoking.
I understand it is very difficult to stop.
I don't smoke, but I'm a wonderful cheerleader...and I'm behind you!! (((HUGS)))
Hi Linda,
It must be incredibly difficult to give up smoking. While I have never been a smoker, my grandmother died of emphysema from smoking and she only quit because she had to, not because she wanted to.
I definitely support you and I think the Smokeout is a great idea.
I am an anti-smoker- never smoke in my life and can't stand the smell of it. So it is hard for me the pains that people have to go through to stop.
I know my aunt who had lung cancer smoked up to the week that she died. She knew the ciagrettes would shorten her already shorten life, but did it anyway. Yes there should be a quarentine on those death traps.
Hopefully you can cut down to two, then one, then none a day.
on a better note, interesting life you lead being there for the signing of the first Smoke Out.
I know just how difficult it is to give up, my husband gave up a couple of years ago after *numerous* attempts (patches, pills, gum, hypnosis....) he eventually just made up his mind and quit. He now chews a LOT of gum instead LOL!
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