A very dear friend has bestowed 2 fabulous awards on me this week. Renee has given me the Wonder Woman Award and the Blog Friends Forever Award. I feel so honored to be given both of these wonderful awards. Thank you so much Renee!!!
I want to alert my readers that Renee's has changed her blog from Renee's Ramblings to 2 Peas In Pod. Be sure to bookmark her new address.
Now on with the awards.
This first one is the Wonder Woman Award. I don't know who started this award or the intent behind passing it along, but here is what Renee had to say about me.
She’s amazing. She has gone through happy and sad times in her life, has hit monumental milestones in her life and she has come to the other side of it all with grace and dignity. I read her blog and think, “Wow…this woman is amazing”! Please stop by her blog and read a few of her posts….you’ll see what a wonderful and special lady she is.

This next award is called Blog Friend Forever Award and is presented to awesome BLOG owners who keep their readers excited about their posts. Their blog post are interesting (NOT spammy) and worth reading and keep their subscribers looking forward to each and every post.
I've been blogging a little over a year and and thrilled over all the wonderful people I've met. It amazes me that you come back to see what's going on this this old lady's life.
There are so many that I would like to give these awards to, but I'm going to limit myself to three:
And to another Linda I recently met. She is Theresa sister-in-law, so stop by and say hello. I'm slighting Theresa by not passing these awards on to her, because she has already received these awards from other bloggers.
Renee, I want to thank you again for these awesome awards and am so honored to know you. You will always be a dear friend.
Congrats on your lovely awards!! You have come through so much and I am so glad you have been given these wonderful awards!!
How is your team doing today!! The Chiefs are on thier by week....
Love You! Carolyn
Congrats on all the awards! Well desevered! Hope you are having a good weekend!
Hi Linda--Michael is me, didn't realize my husband had signed in to leave some comments. :)
If I was in a sneaky mood, I sure could of had some fun with his sign in :)
Darn, double darn....I thought I had a male admirer!!! LOL
Linda, thank you for the awards! You spoil me! lol...
Also, congrats to you on receiving them as well. They are well deserved!
ps... I'll let you know when I get them up and posted on my site.
Hi Linda,
Congrats on your award and thank you so much for mine! I have really enjoyed meeting a new blogger friend and with such a GREAT first name! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am honored!
Thank you for your kind words! I feel the same way- you are a dear, dear friend. Your awards are well deserved!
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