Wednesday, August 29

Wordless Wednesday


Linda said...

This picture was taken through a glass door. It is on my son's back patio. The raccoon is trying to get to a bird feeder.

Barb said...

I was going to ask what he was going after as he seemed to be on a mission! Great shot!

Lazy Daisy said...

Determined little fellow isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's a good shot! I seldom get to take pictures of animals because I am afraid of them. Ha! Ha! Have a great day!

Ingrid said...

What a cute visitor, lol ! Looks very exotic to me, because besides cats and squirrels nothing else can climb here !

Chocolate and Coffee said...

What a great shot!

Blessings to you.

Akelamalu said...

What a great photograph!

Anonymous said...

He looks so focused on getting there, too.

Anonymous said...

wow, that would have scared me to death!!

Suzy said...

How cute is that!!!!Thanks for stoppin' by!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need to get the gun.


Anonymous said...

In our first apartment we had three racoons that hung out in the main dumpster for the complex. My husband, being Cajun, named them: Boudreaux, Thibodeaux, and Fontenot. This reminded me of them : )

Melanie said...

He seems quite determined!

Courtney said...

Oh my, determined little sucker, isn't he?

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Oh I see...another sneaky one trying to get to a bird feeder..only a little smaller than mine last week!! CUTE..raccoons are cute but really can make a mess of things. Sandy you are going to be fine for tomorrow...

Baba said...

I hate raccoons.... They use to come on our front porch,when we had a outside cat and food was there.My husband would trap them in a cage and the animal control people would pick them up and carry them away. Baba

ChicoryChick said...

He is sooo cute!

Sandy M said...

cool shot... I use to see raccoons a lot in the south, but none here in AZ.

Rebecca said...

How funny - was he successful?

Happy WW - mines up at

Pann said...

Oh those rascally racoons!