Thursday, August 9

Friday's Feast


What is your favorite kind of pie? Hands down, that would be graham cracker with very high meringue. Yummy!!!


Name something that made you smile this week. I spent the past two weeks out of state with my daughter and her three children. I would have to say watching my grandchildren play. They are such a joy.


What do you do to cool off when the weather is hot and humid? I fix myself a tall glass of iced tea and sit at the computer or watch a flick on the tube.

Main Course

You receive $1,000 in the mail with a letter that says you can only use the money to redecorate one room in your home. Which room do you pick, and what do you buy to spruce it up? I would have the great room painted, but would also have to paint the foyer and hall. You know how when you start painting, its hard to find a place to stop.


Fill in the blank:
My clock says its time for bed, but I just can't relax and get to sleep.


Alison said...

It's so easy to smile with children around! Great feast - Happy Friday!

Melody said...

Great feast!
Come on over, mine's served. :)

Happy Friday!

Ingrid said...

Hehe, you want to go to bed and I just got up ! The seagulls are so noisy in the morning !

Renee said...

Hi Linda...great feast! Have a wonderful weekend.

Eleisia said...

I agree with your salad and dessert. After working at the computer my brain doesn't want to shut down when I go to bed.

My feast is served.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I've never painted without finishing an entire room. Great feast.

shirlnutkin said...

your appetizer sounds awesome! i have never had one - so i will seek it out. YUM! (and thanks for dropping by my feast earlier, also)

Mel said...

I think I've had that dessert before! I'm happy to hear how much you enjoy your grandchildren. I know my own two kids love when they are with their grandparents. Happy Feasting!

Linda said...

Nice Feast! Children are a joy!

Blessing to your daughter, hope she gets better!

Anonymous said...

oh, i hate it when I can't fall asleep! Good thing it's not that often! Thanks for stopping by! said...

Great Feast!! I hate it too when I can't get to sleep! I have my Feast up now!

BeccA's Buzz said...

Very true about the painting...I rent but I'd love to own so I could paint! :)

JHS said...

11:46? Still have a couple hours to go in my world. I'm a night owl. Can't help it.

Great feast and thanks for stopping by!

Alice said...

I like your Soup and Salad! Thanks for serving up a great feast! Have a wonderful weekend...