Saturday, May 3

Uninvited Guest

Every spring birds build nests in the trees in our front yard. One tree is beside our garage door and while we are in the garage we can see the mother carrying worms and bugs to feed her chicks. (Are baby birds called chicks?) When the weather is nice we keep our garage door open all day. As long as the birds keep their distance from me I am okay with them hanging out in my tree. Last week I walked into the garage to get some cleaning supplies. All of a sudden a bird came into the garage. I fell to the floor and covered my head and yelled for hubby. He didn't hear me because he was in the shower. Thank goodness the bird flew out almost as quickly as it flew in.

Then on Wednesday evening I noticed the birds were making more noise than usual. Hubby came in the house and warned me not to go into the garage. He said two birds were flying around and he was trying to get them out. After a lot of effort they finally flew out and he immediately closed the garage door. A little later hubby came back in and said I should not go out to the garage again because a baby was trapped behind the garden tools. I had to see this. I grabbed my camera and this is what I saw.

See the little thing cowering in the corner. This must have been why the birds were coming into the garage. They knew their baby was in there somewhere. I told hubby just to reach in and grab it and toss it outside. He didn't want to touch the bird, so he got a pair of gloves and gently got the bird out. The little bird was squalling so loud. I know the little thing must have been so scared. As soon as he tossed it on the driveway its Mom came swooping down and almost hit hubby in the head.

I ran to the garage door opener and closed the door. When I turned around I noticed what one of the birds left me. Yes my car was in the garage. My car isn't safe even inside my garage.